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Receive news straight to your inbox. The Arc of Appalachia has three email lists, which are described here. You will have the option to choose which list(s) you would like to subscribe to by clicking next to their names below.
Main news - stories of the land, new acquisitions, natural history, summary of events (1-2 X a month)
Education – educational workshops and courses on natural history, nature retreats, special events ( 1 X a week)
Volunteer Opportunities – invitations to work on land stewardship and other volunteer work days (2-3 X a month).
Subscribe to Telegram Groups
Stay connected with the Arc of Appalachia through our private Telegram groups! Receive real-time updates on seasonal splendors, nature discoveries, land acquisitions, hiking trail progress, and volunteer & education opportunities—right on your phone. Telegram is a secure, invitation-only platform that ensures your privacy and keeps conversations focused.
How to Join:
Download Telegram: Search for "Telegram" or "Telegram Messenger" in your phone's app store and install the free app.
Set Up Your Account:
Open the app and enter your phone number.
Enter the verification code sent via text.
Provide all necessary information.
You will be asked to share your contacts. You may select “yes” or “no”. Please be aware if you select no your contacts will not be pulled in and you will not be able to use this app as a texting service.
Join Our Group: After setting up, click on the links below for the group you would like to join:
Arc Connection - Arc Postings for Interested SupportersVolunteer Work Days - Postings of all Volunteer Opportunities
Arc Education - Education Updates